Heya people.
Pastor Rudy came over to our CF last Friday, sharing the message of Success versus God. We had about 25 people present, who heard his strong and powerful message. His message relates much to us, for we as students are always chasing for success. We also have to learn from the past and let go of it, living in the present world and not be controlled by the past. Enough said, let the pictures do the talking.
Worship, lead by Cally Moh
Presenting Ps. Rudy Chew!!
And the crowd listens...
A little thank you gift from us.
We hope to see you again Ps. Rudy! That's all for now. See you guys in the next meeting!
Take control of the culture around you. If you don't, the culture around you will take over you. -Ps. Rudy.
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